Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
Ehsaas 786 Program Online Registration Check Complete Detail Latest 2024

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif started the Ehsaas 786 program to provide relief on petrol. Under this program, you will receive free gasoline for up to 2000 Rs. With the passage of time, human beings have shifted their burden of work toward machinery.

Fuel, including Petrol, diesel, gasoline, and kerosene oil, is a driving force of any machine. Due to political crises in Pakistan, the financial situation has worsened. In April 2022, the ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, was debarred from the Parliament following a Vote of no confidence. It is necessary to mention where and when financial and political instability started.

Ehsaas 786 Program Update 2024

PMLN came into power in May 2024, and the Honourable Prime Minister, Mr Shehbaz Sharif, announced various relief packages for low-income families. Due to the recent hike in the price of fuel, subsidies for Petrol and diesel were necessary.

Ehsaas 786 Program

On the Recommendation of the Prime Minister, EX Finance Minister Mifta Ismail ( brother of Imran Ismail) announced the Sasta petrol Sasta diesel scheme. Deserving female heads of families can get this relief package from program 786 online registration check 2024.

An Overview of the Ehsaas 786 PROGRAM

Name of ArticleEhsaas 786 PROGRAM
BeneficiaryAll Over The Pakistan
PortalEhsaas 8171 Web Portal
ApplicationOnline, Offline Process
official website

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Ehsaas 786 Sasta Patrol Relief Rs 2000 package

The Government of Pakistan has started a new initiative, the PM Sasta Petrol and Sasta Diesel 2024 scheme. According to this scheme, Rs 2000 will be given to poor eligible persons to buy Petrol and diesel. The 786 Ehsaas program online registration has been started to assist deserving families’ needs. You can apply for the Sasta petrol scheme through Ehsas 786 online.

A Rs 2000 subsidy on Petrol and diesel prices in Pakistan will be given to 14 million families with an income of less than 40,000 per month. You can check your eligibility via the Ehsaas Program 2000 online check.

Ehsaas 786 Program CNIC Check Online Registration 2024

786 Check Online 2024 is an online platform for checking their eligibility. Send your valid CNIC number without a dash to the 786 SMS service or online through the 786 program check CNIC.

Online Registration Ehsaas 786 Cash Rs 2000

The online registration procedure for BISP registration check by cnic 786 is straightforward.

  1. Click on the link “www.ehsaas 8171” and check your eligibility.
  2. Your NSER Survey must be completed to be eligible.
  3. If your survey still needs to be completed, visit your nearest Nadra office or Bisp office to complete the survey.
  4. Of 14 million families, 8 million are registered under BISP, and with 786 program checks, CNIC will register 6 million new families.

Married women or Widows of low income will get Rs 2000 monthly through the online check of the Ehsaas program 786. The Ehsaas 786 program Check cnic is an “8171 web portal” in which eligibility for any sub-program of the Ehsaas initiative is checked. After confirming eligibility, you can get Rs 2000 by petrol subsidy 786 online.

Ehsaas 786 Program

Sasta Petrol Sasta Diesel Price 786 Web Portal

Petrol and diesel prices depend upon international market rates. Fuel prices change twice a month in Pakistan, according to the change in the price of raw fuel. We shall update the price changes on each month’s 15th and last dates. On 31st Sep 2024, petrol prices decreased by 8 rupees and diesel by 5 rupees. Keep visiting the “786 web portal” for the latest fuel prices—Ehsaas 786 Online Registration by CNIC.

The 786 SMS service has been activated to apply for the Ehsaas Sasta diesel Sasta petrol scheme. Follow my instructions to use the 786 services.

  • Open text messages on your mobile phone.
  • Write your ID card number without any space or Dash.
  • Send an SMS to 786.
  • SIM in mobile Should Be registered to your CNIC card.

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786 New Scheme Code RS 2000 | CMC ID Card

A new 786 SMS service code has been launched to get a monthly subsidy of Rs 2000 on Petrol and diesel prices. To apply for the scheme, send your valid Nadra card number to 786.

786 Check Online Eligibility 2024

The government of Pakistan has allocated 28 billion rupees for 14 million families with incomes of less than 40,000 per month. A subsidy of 2000 rupees will be given to 8 million families already registered through BISP.

Six million new families will be registered and given relief after checking eligibility. Beneficiaries of Punjab, Sind, and Balochistan will get their cash through HBL. KPK, AJK, and Gilgit Baltistan beneficiaries will get subsidies through Bank Alfalah. Eligibility criteria are as follows.

  • Married women or Widows.
  • Monthly income of less than 40,000.
  • No availability of a male head of the family.
  • All registered members of BISP are eligible.
  • Only one person from one family is eligible.
  • Men will be given subsidies if there is no Widow or married women in the family.

786 Program App

There is no specific app for the 786 scheme. Click on the given link “www,”
to read all the details of the Sasta petrol Sasta diesel scheme.

786 Online Registration 2024

All registered members of the Benazir Kafalat program have taken 4.8 billion rupees under the Sasta petrol Sasta diesel scheme. Those registered members who have yet to take their Rs 2000 can withdraw the money from the nearest HBL or Bank Alfalah ATM.


Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif is giving relief petrol to Ehsaas 786 program people. So these people must eliminate their petrol problem by offering a petrol subsidy. You can easily apply for this Ehsaas 786 program and get relief from wandering by being a part of this program.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

It is an online portal similar to the 8171 portal to check eligibility for the 786 program.

Send your valid CNIC number to 786 from your sim, which is registered to your identity card.


Ehsaas provides all the information related to the 786 program, with an explanation in this article. Keep visiting our website, Ehsaas 8171 News for any new information and updates.