Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
8171 Check Online Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Payment 9000 Start 2024

Now, poor people can check the 8171 Check Benazir Taleemi Wazaif amount through an online portal. You must have a valid ID card. You will be given a portal form. You can check the amount immediately by entering your ID Guard number and the captcha code. The complete information is given below, from which you can read and gain all your knowledge.

8171 Check Benazir Taleemi Wazaif 2024

8171 Check Benazir Taleemi Wazaif amount can be checked at home through the online BISP portal. For this, you no longer need to go to your nearest Benazir Income Support Program office. This 8171 portal has been introduced with the help of BISP. It has been introduced for customers who do not have BISP offices and are residing in remote areas. 

They have to visit the BISP office for information on money and other information, which requires time and money. Now, they can check their eligibility and amount for free while saving time at home. Only those parents who are eligible under the Benazir Kafalat program can check their children’s education scholarship amount. The procedure for checking this amount is given below.

8171 Check Online Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Payment 9000 Start 2024

8171 Check Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Payment 

  1. You have to search 8171 web portal mobile to check the new payment of 8171 Check Benazir Taleemi Wazaif 4500. 
  2. On this portal, you are given a form on which you enter your ID card number created by NADRA. 
  3. Then, enter the captcha code containing four numbers given in the image. 
  4. After that, click on the Know button below. 
  5. In a few seconds, the details of the money are displayed in front of you. 
  6. In which it is told whether you are eligible or not or whether you have money in your account or not.

Read More: BISP Skill Imparting Programme Start

How To Get Payment 8171 Benazir Taleemi Wazaif?

Benazir Kafala-eligible individuals who want to receive their children’s education scholarship money. 

  • So for that, they should visit their nearest BISP cash center with their valid identity guard made by Nadra. 
  • Provide their identity card to the representative present there. 
  • Complete the biometric verification process through thumb. 
  • Get the children’s education scholarship money along with your maintenance payment. 
  • If you face any problems like this, contact this BISP Kafaalat helpline number and find a solution immediately.

Latest Payment Upda BISP [April-July]

The latest update regarding the new BISP payment is that the non-sponsorship payment continues from April to July. Parents who have not received their maintenance payment should check their ID card number, 8171. 

If they have money in their account, they should receive their new payment before the government’s specified date. To make the payment, you must visit the BISP office. Remember to bring the original ID card with you before going there so that you can receive your money after verification.

Read More: Benazir Taleemi Wazifa 8171 Program 9000 Double


Benazir Income Support Program has introduced the 8171 Check Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Online Portal. On which you can easily check the amount of your education scholarships sitting at home. The procedure for checking the amount is that you have a valid identity card. You have to enter this ID using Guard Form No. and check the amount. The complete procedure has been explained to you above.