Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
8171 Ehsaas

Ineligible persons should verify all their documents now to receive 8171 Ehsaas 13500 rupees and receive money by ensuring eligibility. The complete procedure on how to verify your documents is available in this article. You have to read this article till the end and know all the information and procedures.

8171 Ehsaas 13500 New Payment 

The new amount of Ehsaas program is being given 13500 rupees to those people who have not yet verified their documents while they have ensured their registration and eligibility. But there has been some change in their documents, based on which they have to take the documents with them and go to the nearest BISP office. Through which they can easily ensure their eligibility. This amount of 13500 rupees also includes the amount of Ehsaas Taleemi Wazaif for children.

8171 Ehsaas

 Further, you need your original ID card to check the amount on the official portal of the BISP Ehsaas program. You can check your eligibility by entering your CNIC number 8171 on the portal. So those persons who have not yet completed the verification process through their documents and have not re-applied for registration. So they should submit their documents again as soon as possible for the kafaalat program 817 Ehsaas 13500 rupees.

8171 Ehsaas 13500 New Document Online Verification Process

If you want to complete the document process through the online verification process sitting at home. 

  1. So for this, you have to enter some information in the form given below.
  2. Which includes name, address, persons, age, mobile number, ID card number number of children, etc.
  3. After entering all this information, you have to click on the submit button below. 
  4. Your registration process will be completed. 
  5. Then all your information will be verified. 
  6. If you meet the given criteria of the Ehsaas Kafalat program. 
  7. So your eligibility will be assured. Then 13500 rupees will be transferred to you.

Verification Process By BISP Tehsil Office

Some people do not have any knowledge about the online procedure and they face difficulty in completing the process. However, the government has established BISP offices in every tehsil and district. Where you can go and complete your registration process by verifying your documents easily. Ehsaas can ensure their eligibility for an amount of 13500. What are these documents are below.

  • Your original identity card should be updated from NADRA.
  • Children’s Bay Form should also be updated by Nadra.
  • Apart from this, you should have complete address proof of the house.
  • Electricity bill or water bill or if you live in a rented house then have the receipt.

8171 CNIC Update From NADRA

If there is any kind of problem in the above-required document. Like if your CNiC is out of date. So you immediately go to the Nadra office in your city. Update your CNC from there. These facilities are free and have been created by the government to facilitate the people.

How to Get Ehsaas 13500 BISP Payment?

Those who ensure their registration and eligibility for an amount of Rs.25 thousand. So they can check account verification 8171 via SMS to get their money. If they have funds in their account, they can withdraw from their nearest HPL Bank ATM after completing the verification. Apart from this, they can also receive their money 2025 kafalat program 13500.


To get the payment of Rs 13,500 under the 8171 Ehsaas Program, the Government of Pakistan has launched a new document verification procedure, in which all eligible individuals will be able to easily get this payment of Rs 13,500 by completing the verification of their documents. More information about this payment has been provided to you in our article above, after knowing which you will be able to ensure that you can easily get this payment.

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