Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
8171 Portal Form Online Registration 2024 Update 

The government has introduced an 8171 portal Form for online registration for ineligible persons. Now ineligible persons can submit their application at home by entering all their information on this form and ensure their eligibility in the sponsorship program. The documents and qualifications required for its registration. All that information is given below.

8171 Portal Form 2024

8171 portal form has been introduced by the government for those users who do not have the nearest Benazir Income Support Program offices. They have to go to the BISP office in remote areas to submit the application and face a lot of difficulties. So that they can easily submit an application at home and be eligible for the Kafaalat program and get the assistance they receive every three months.

 For registration, you must have some eligibility criteria, including your income certificate ID card and you are not employed in any government department. Your poverty score should be less than 32%.

8171 Portal Form

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How to Register Through 8171 Portal Form BISP?

Online registration is very easy through the portal form. 

  1. For this, you must have a computer or mobile. 
  2. Search the BISP 8171 portal form using your computer mobile. 
  3. Open the official website by clicking on it. 
  4. You will be shown the option of the registration form. 
  5. and select and then a form is shown in front of you. 
  6. this form, you have to enter all the information that is asked. 
  7. In this information, your name, address, house mobile number, identity card number and some necessary information about the are asked. 
  8. They have to be entered properly. 
  9. After that click on the register button below. 
  10. Your application will be completed through the online portal form.
  11. After verification, you will be notified through an 8171 message.

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Registration Criteria Of BISP 8171 Kafaalat Program

Those persons who are declared ineligible after submission of application. So their main reason is that they cannot fulfil the eligibility criteria given by the Benazir Kafalat program.

  • Due to this, their application is cancelled. 
  • They are not given any financial assistance from the unspecified income support program. 
  • The monthly income should be less than 50 thousand rupees. 
  • You are living below the poverty line. 
  • Your poverty score should be less than 32% and your monthly electricity bill should be less than five thousand. 
  • No member of your family is employed in any government department.

NSER Survey Registry Process For Poor People

The government has introduced the NSER survey registry process for these users. Those who cannot go to the Benazir Income Support Program office and complete the application process. Government representatives visit their homes and ask them all the information. 

In which you ask about the name, mobile number, ID card number, number of people, number of children and some necessary information. All this information is recorded on one of your devices. After that, your PMT score is checked. If your poverty score is less than 32%. So you are eligible for the Benazir Kafalat Program amount of Rs.10500.

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8171 Portal Form Online Status Or Money Check 

Ineligible can check their application status and amount at home.

  1. For this, you can introduce the 8171 web portal created by the government. 
  2. You have to enter your ID card number on it and check your amount and eligibility. 
  3. Apart from this, the government has introduced an 8171 SMS service code. 
  4. You can check eligibility and amount immediately by sending your ID card number through SMS on this code.