Sun. Mar 16th, 2025
Benazir Income Support Programme Launch New 8171 Portal Form For Eligibility and Payment

A New 8171 Portal Form has been launched to check payments of the Benazir Income Support Programme. Through this, you can check your eligibility and get this payment. The complete procedure and information to receive payment from the 8171 portal are given below.

New 8171 Portal Form 2024

Benazir Income Support Programme is a program launched by the Government of Pakistan. In Benazir Income Support Program new aid payments will be given to all eligible families across Pakistan.

These eligible families include disabled persons, widows, old people and orphans who are eligible to receive this assistance money. To get this assistance money in the BISP program, you can use the 8171 portal. The complete information of which has been given to you below on our website.

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BISP 8171 Portal For Eligibility and Payment

You can use the 8171 portal to check your eligibility for the Benazir Income Support Programme and receive payment. You have to search the 8171 web portal on your mobile to check your eligibility. After that, you have to click on the 8171 web portal.

After that, you will be shown a form. On which you have to enter your national identity card number. And you have to enter the code shown on the screen below. After entering you have to press the button. After which you will be told whether you are eligible to receive this amount or not. If you are eligible to receive this amount, you can also receive this amount through the 8171 portal.

Benazir Income Support Programme

Eligibility Criteria

You need to know about your eligibility for the Benazir Income Support Program to find out the eligibility and get the payment, the complete information of is here.

  • You must be Pakistani.
  • You belong to a poor family.
  • Your monthly income should be less than 30000 rupees.
  • You should not have more than five acres of agricultural land in your name.
  • You have never travelled to any other country.
  • You have not been involved in any illegal activities.
  • And you have never participated in any other financial aid program.

So you are eligible to get this amount for which the necessary documents are.

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Required Documents

  1. You must have your national identity card.
  2. You should have the Bay Form number of your children.
  3. You must have your mobile phone number.
  4. Have your monthly electricity bill information with you.
  5. Proof of your monthly income and household expenses should be with you.

So, you can easily register for this program, the method of which has been explained to you below.

How To Register Online Through New 8171 Portal Form?

To register in the Benazir Income Support Programme, you have been told the above eligibility criteria information and necessary documents information, after knowing which you can register in this program, the complete procedure of which is as follows.

  1. You have visited the website of BISP 8171.
  2. There you will be shown a registration form on which you have to enter your National Identity Card number.
  3. You have to enter your mobile phone number.
  4. You have to enter the Bay Form number of your children.
  5. You have to enter your other complete information on it.
  6. After which you have to press the register button below.
  7. From which you will register easily.

After a few days of registration, you will be informed through SMS whether you are eligible to receive this amount or not. You can also get money, the complete information of which has been given to you above.

Thumb Verification Issue Solve Latest Update

Benazir’s program has solved the problem of thumbprints. Now eligible people can get their money easily by using their thumb up to eight times. But despite this, they fail to get the biometric verification done.

And if you are not given the money, then you will fill out the complaint form to your nearest director. And will inform you about your request. After that, all information and amounts will be provided to you through 8171.


Benazir Income Support Program is a program launched by the Government of Pakistan. In this program, you can check your eligibility and get your payment through the 8171 web portal. Which eligibility criteria, necessary documents information and registration procedure have been provided on our website. By knowing which you can get this money easily.