Eligibility criteria for the Benazir Nashonuma Programme Eligibility has been introduced for those women who have not yet completed their registration. They consider themselves eligible for this program. Also, those women who do not know the eligibility criteria. So they are being told all these criteria below, which you can read and submit your application easily for this program.
Latest Benazir Nashonuma Programme 2024
Benazir Nashonuma Programme includes women who are especially pregnant and breastfeeding children under two years of age. Apart from this, mothers with children under two years of age are also included. So that these mothers can get help from the government and can raise their children in a good way. Because during this time, a rich diet is needed for the development of the child.
Some poor women face problems in fulfilling this diet, so the government has made this program to remove their problems. So that these women can also be assisted in the development of their children. Those women who want to ensure their eligibility in this program. So they are being told the complete procedure below. By reading this they can easily apply for this program.

Benazir Nashonuma Programme Eligibility Criteria
The new eligibility criteria for the Benazir Nashonuma Programme are as follows.
- Poor and deserving women who get pregnant.
- Women who have children under two years of age are eligible.
- Apart from this, breastfeeding mothers are also included.
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How to register for the Benazir Nashonuma Programme 2024?
The short and easy procedure to apply for the Benazir Development Program is given below.
- If you meet the given eligibility criteria.
- So take your identity card and go to your nearest government hospital.
- Look for the Benazir Nishwanma Help Test office there.
- Provide your ID card to the representative there.
- The representative will ask you for all the information. After that, a form will be signed by you.
- Your application will be processed.
- After that, you will receive a message from 8171.
- In which it will be told whether you are eligible or not.If you are eligible then you will be given financial assistance under this.
Benazir Nashonuma Programme Eligibility Status Cehck
Now women who have submitted their application and want to check their eligibility. So for that, they should SMS their ID card to 8171 and check their eligibility.
- For this, go to the SMS inbox of your mobile.
- Send the 13-part national identity card to Qatar.
- Wait a few days.
- After waiting you will receive a message.
- On which you will be told whether you have qualified or not.
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How to Payment Received From The Benazir Nashonuma Programme?
You have to go to the Benazir Income Support Program office to know how eligible women will get their money. It is mandatory to carry the identity card there. So that you can easily complete your verification process and get Benazir Nashonuma Program money.
During the verification, your ID card is used and your thumb is scanned like biometric verification. 2500 to 3500 is given to eligible women every month from the Benazir programme.