BISP 13500 Payment Updates Regarding the payment of Rs. 13,500 to all eligible individuals under the BISP Program, how to check eligibility, information about the payment schedule, and the process of distribution of the payment under this program have been explained in detail in our article. All this information that has been mentioned above is being explained in detail to you, so read our article carefully.
BISP 13500 Payment Updates
The BSP program is an aid program that provides a payment of Rs. 13,500 to all eligible and needy women in Pakistan. Let us update you about this payment. This payment will be distributed in 2025. It will be distributed to all those who cannot meet the basic daily needs of their families and do not have enough resources to lead a better life.
Therefore, the Government of Pakistan has announced that this payment will be provided to all those who join the BISP program. The complete schedule information regarding this payment, how to check eligibility and the complete process of distribution of this payment is explained in detail below. You will be able to easily get this payment by reading all the information given below.
For More Information : BISP 13500 Payment Eligibility

BISP 13500 Payment Schedule 2025
If you want to know when this payment is being distributed and you want to know information about its schedule, then you have come to the right place. Here is the complete schedule regarding this payment. Complete information about the schedule is here.
- The distribution of the payment of Rs. 13,500 of BISP Phase 1 will start on January 1, 2025, and this amount will be distributed continuously for 60 days.
- The distribution of this assistance will be done by following an excellent and efficient method that will reach all the eligible beneficiaries.
اگر آپ جاننا چاہتے ہیں کہ یہ ادائیگی کب تقسیم کی جا رہی ہے اور آپ اس کے شیڈول کے بارے میں جاننا چاہتے ہیں، تو آپ صحیح جگہ پر پہنچے ہیں۔ اس ادائیگی سے متعلق مکمل شیڈول یہ ہے۔ شیڈول کے بارے میں مکمل معلومات یہاں ہے۔
بی آئی ایس پی فیز 1 کی 13,500 روپے کی ادائیگی کی تقسیم یکم جنوری 2025 سے شروع ہوگی اور یہ رقم 60 دنوں تک مسلسل تقسیم کی جائے گی۔
امداد کی تقسیم ایک بہترین اور موثر طریقہ پر عمل کرتے ہوئے کی جائے گی جو تمام اہل مستحقین تک پہنچے گی۔
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Check Eligibility To Get 13500
To get the payment of Rs 13,500 from BISP, you must ensure your eligibility because this payment will be provided by this program to eligible people. Therefore, you must ensure your eligibility by following this procedure.
- First of all, open your mobile phone.
- If you have an Android device, then search for the 8171 web portal.
- A portal will open for you. You have to enter your national identity card number on this portal and do not give any space in between.
- After entering the identity card number, you will be given a code below which you have to enter.
- After entering the code, you will find the button below that you have to press.
You will be told information about your eligibility, after knowing which you will be able to easily get your payment using the procedure given below.
For More Information: BISP January 2025 Payments Details
BISP 13500 Payment Disbursement Process
For the payment of Rs 13500 from the BISP program, the complete process of distribution to get this payment in the program has been explained in detail below, through which you will be able to easily get this payment. There is an excellent method to get the payment, which is this.
You can easily get this payment by going to any of the authorized banks from the BISP program. You can also easily get this payment from BISP by going to an authorized retail shop. To get this payment of Rs. 13500, you can go to any BISP-authorized centre near your home and get the payment. You can get your payment easily and securely by using a Jazz Cash account at home. Apart from this, you have to keep one thing in mind your thumb verification must be complete so that you do not face any kind of problem.
For More Information : Complete Guide to BISP Stipend Document Verification
The useful and easy way to get the next payment from the BISP program has been explained to you in our article above. In the BISP program, assistance is provided to all eligible women, with which they can meet the basic needs of their families.
Therefore, if you also want to get this payment and if you want to improve your life by getting this financial assistance, then complete information about getting this payment has been explained to you in detail in our article above, after knowing which and following this method, you will be able to easily get this payment.