Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
BISP Kafaalat Registration Form Check Eligibility and Get Money 10500

The government has provided the BISP Kafaalat registration form online on the website. On which you can go and submit your application immediately sitting at home. Apart from this, those persons who cannot get their registration done through the online procedure.

They can also apply NSER survey by going to the BISP office located in their nearest tehsil. You are being told about this with a complete procedural explanation in this article, which you can read till the end.

BISP Kafaalat Program 2024 Update

The BISP kafaalat program plays an important role in providing financial assistance to the poor and deserving people living in Pakistan. Under this program, millions of people can easily meet their living needs by getting financial assistance every three months.

Those individuals who have not yet received any financial assistance through this program and want to register for it. So here is the complete procedure with an explanation. You can get your registration done immediately by completing the online form. And you can get financial assistance from this program sitting at home.

BISP Kafaalat

Check BISP Kafaalat Eligibility 

Poor people living in Pakistan who want to submit their application for the BISP Kafaalat program 10500. So the eligibility criteria is given for it.

  • Now I belong to a poor and deserving family in Pakistan. 
  • Your monthly income should be less than 25 thousand rupees. 
  • You are not doing any job in any government department. 
  • No vehicle etc. should be registered in your name. 
  • You should not own more than three acres of land. 
  • If you live in a rented house, then you are still eligible. 
  • Women with disabilities are also eligible for this. 
  • Divorced women and widows can also submit their applications.
  •  Apart from this, a passport should not be made in your name to go abroad.

Get Money 10500 Of Benazir Kafaalat Prgram

Those persons who consider themselves eligible after checking their eligibility. So they can get money from the 8171 BISP Kafaalat program. For this, you must complete your registration form. The complete procedure is told below. You have to enter all the information correctly on the form. So that after applying, you will be declared eligible for it and can get the money from it.

BISP Kafaalat Online Registration Form 

  1. You can apply for the BISP Kafaalat program by filling out the online form, the procedure of which is given below. A form will be shown in front of you. 
  2. On this form, you have to enter your name, mobile number, identity card number, number of persons, number of children etc. about the house. 
  3. Then click on the register button below. 
  4. What is the sketch form or line form on which you can enter your information?


The government of Pakistan has made the online form for registration for the Benazir Income Support Program. On which you can easily submit your application sitting at home. Those ineligible persons who have not yet received financial assistance from the sponsorship program. They can complete their registration as soon as possible for 10500 rupees and visit 8171 Ehsaas. Where you are provided instant updates with time.