Let us tell you the complete information about BISP Payment Centers ATM Procedure 2025 in detail. The payment of 13500 given by BISP has now started being received through ATM. All the people who live in the city and want to receive payment can easily receive payment through ATM. The method of receiving payment from the ATM has been told to you below.
BISP Payment Centers Details
The BISP program has been assisting for the past several years. All these eligible people are receiving this payment from BISP through authorized payment centers. For the past several years, people have been facing difficulties in receiving BISP payments because they have been facing many problems due to long lines in the office.
For this reason, BISP has increased the payment centers. You can receive the payment from the BISP office, retailer shop cash point, or even from the BISP-authorized bank. In this article, we will tell you the complete procedure for receiving payment through ATM.
BISP 8171 Payment Verification Process 2025 & Check Your Eligibility Now

Payment Increase From 10500 To 13500
The BISP program, which provides financial assistance to deserving people, has increased the payment in this program. The old beneficiaries of BISP, who were being provided with an assistance amount of Rs. 10,500, will now be provided with an amount of Rs. 13,500 by this program and all newly registered beneficiaries will also be provided with Rs. 13,500. To get this payment through ATM, you have been told the complete procedure for getting payment through ATM below.
Also Read It: BISP Stipend Verification and Payment Process
BISP Payment Centers ATM Procedure 2025
Regarding the BISP Payment Centers ATM procedure, let us tell you that the ATM procedure is the easiest and best way to get the assistance amount of Rs 13,500 from the BISP program because by following this procedure, you can get this payment without any hassle. The complete procedure is as follows.
- Go to any ATM of the authorized bank from BISP.
- Complete your biometric verification at the ATM, for which enter your National Identity Card number on 8171.
- Enter your name and other information etc.
- After entering, click on the verify button.
- After that, you have to complete your thumb verification.
- For this, place your thumb on the special fingerprint scanner present on the ATM and your fingerprint verification will be completed.
- Your account will be created, after which click on balance inquiry.
- Your payment will be displayed to you and you will be able to easily withdraw this payment through an ATM.
List Of Banks Supporting BISP ATM Withdrawals
List of Banks Supporting BISP ATM Withdrawals (2025)
- Habib Bank Limited
- United Bank Limited
- National Bank of Pakistan
- Bank Alfalah
- Allied Bank Limited
- MCB Bank
- Askari Bank
- Sindh Bank
- Bank of Punjab (BOP)
- JS Bank
How To Register And Receive Payments?
You have been told above how you can register in the BISP program and how you can get paid. To register, you can apply by going to the BISP office and submitting all your documents or you can also register by completing your NSER survey. Apart from this, you have been told above about the ATM and withdrawal process to get paid.
Also Read It : BISP Stipend Verification and Payment Process
Alternative Methods To Collect BISP Stipend
If you live in a village and it is difficult for you to get payment through an ATM, then there are other methods through which you can also get payment. Let us tell you that you can also get payment by going to the BISP office. Apart from this, you can go to an authorized retailer shop or cash point from BISP and then withdraw the payment.
If you want to withdraw the payment from home, then you can use your Jazz Cash account for this, in which the BISP payment will be sent to your account. Remember one thing to get payment in the Jazz Cash account, you have to use your Jazz Cash number during registration.
For More Information : BISP Stipend Document Verification February 2025
BISP Payment Latest Update
The Government of Pakistan has been providing financial assistance to all the poor and deserving people across Pakistan for the past several years. Let us inform you with the latest update regarding this payment that this payment has started being received.
This payment is being distributed from January 2025 and the last date to receive it is March 2025. Therefore, complete your registration as soon as possible receive this payment, and fulfill your basic needs.
If you want to know about BISP Payment Centers ATM Procedure 2025, then let us tell you that now you can get the payment given by this program through ATM without any hassle because it became difficult due to long lines in the BISP program office, due to which the Chairperson of BISP program, Rubina Khalid, has announced to distribute the payment through ATM. The easiest procedure has been provided to you regarding getting payment through an ATM so that you can get the payment without any hassle.