Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
ehsaas masawaat program
ehsaas masawaat program

There must be equal opportunity for job basic requirements and resources regardless of gender so that gender inclusion can be promoted. Various gender-sensitive programs have been started to fill the basic transgender rights. Following the given steps for the Ehsaas transgender program online check 2003.

  • Visit your nearest Nadra office and take your Trans ID card.
  • If you are disabled, make sure that your disability is mentioned on the card.
  • Visit the 8171 web portal.
  • Enter your ID card mobile SIM number and given code.
  • You will receive an SMS from 8171 regarding the selection
  • Collect your monthly income through any HBL Konnect in Punjab

Masawat Program Benazir Khawajasara Program New Registration

Those men or women whose gender identity does not match the sex assigned to them at birth are called transgender people. For example, if someone is male and feels sexual attraction toward other males, then they are called gay are homosexual. Using hormone replacement therapy, trans men can grow a beard, mutualized skin, and men-like voices. In the same way, trans women Can develop breasts, decrease muscle mass, and look like women.

Transgender individuals face a variety of personal, social, cultural, and economic crises. The government of Pakistan has announced the Ehsaas Kafalat program for transgender persons. This social Protection Program will give a monthly stipend of Rs 2000 or 3000 rupees to this marginalized community.

Ehsaas Masawaat Eligibility Criteria

  • Age 18-40 old with the mentioned disability on the ID card
  • is more than 40 years old, has trans ID card
  • Resident of Punjab province
  • Remember that transgender can register themselves for the Ehsas Masawat initiative by visiting any branch of BOP.

Ehsas Masawaat program objective

The following objective of this initiative is very important to be mentioned.

  • To maintain the public service for transgender through, providing means of livelihood, education, health, and Housing service.
  • To protect trans against destitution.
  • To improve the health of transgender by providing free health facilities.
  • To increase their access to assets at income-generating activity.
  • To provide them with interest-free loans up to 100,000 rupees with the help of PSPA and Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC).
  • The aim is to prevent transgender individuals from falling into poverty by guaranteeing essential support for their well-being and ensuring a basic standard of living.
  • Additionally, the goal is to enhance the skill sets of transgender individuals, enabling them to access resources and income-generating opportunities.
  • Furthermore, the focus includes enhancing the overall health of transgender individuals to safeguard them from unexpected health challenges.

You can also read, Benazir Income Support Program App For Online Registration Launched 2024

Amount provided to eligible transgender, Masaawat, Khawajasara

Punjab Social Protection Authority has launched a masaawaat initiative under the transgender person’s welfare policy. It consists of unconditional cash transfers for elderly and disabled transgender job opportunities and microcredits.

Transgender individuals

This initiative provided unconditional cash transfers for transgender of more than 40 years, with 3,000 each month as financial support. Disabled transgender persons aged 18-40 will get Rs 2000 monthly. Click on the given link to read all the details of this initiative: