Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif Ehsaas Qarz e Hasna Scheme 2024

EX PM Mr Imran Khan launched this scheme in June 2019. Mr Shahbaz Sharif, who became PM in, continued the scheme. After the federal announcement of the scheme, EX CM of Balochistan, Mr Jan Kamal Khan, also followed Mr Khan’s vision, along with the non-profit organization Akhuwat Group.

Visit the official website of the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, In the search bar, write your district tehsil or Union Council name. You will find your nearest loan Center. Visit the Loan Center to apply for this scheme.

Ehsaas Qarz e Hasna online registration 2024

Mr Imran Khan started the Ehsaas Qarz-i-Hasna program during his tenure. He promised the poor public that he would uplift the lower class. He launched this initiative in March 2019 so that eligible candidates could get a Qarz e Hasna loan. Prime Minister Qarz e Hasna program 2024 registration online has been started. You can get Rs 1,00000 through ehsaas Qarz Program.

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How to apply for the Qarz e Hasna Scheme

The Ehsaas Quartz e Hasna Scheme online application is simple. Qarz hasna in Pakistan is a great blessing for the people of the country. Due to a lack of job opportunities, most of our country’s youth are facing financial problems. This situation motivated Imran to launch the Ehsaas Qarza program for the lower class of society. You can start your own business by taking out a loan and improving your financial status.

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Ehsas trust Qarza e Hasna form

You don’t need to fill out any online form to apply for this loan Scheme. Visit your nearest loan center and meet the agent. Tell the agent about your business plan, and he will fill out the form and attach the necessary documents along with the application form. After checking your eligibility, the agent will tell you about your loan status. The processing of all application procedures will take 2-4 weeks. Your loan amount will be delivered to you in the form of cheques.

Application process

You may follow the given instructions to apply for this loan.

  • Ehsas Qarza i Hasna eligibility check.
  • Your poverty score should be up to 40.
  • You must be a Resident of selected district.
  • Must having a valid ID card.
  • Daily wage earners, laborers and unemployed are eligible.

Application submission

Submit your application form to the loan center and the required documents.


After submission of the application, verification of your document will start.

loan approval

Your loan approval will be informed to you by the loan center. 100000 rupees cheques will be delivered to you in your area.

Qarza e Hasana for small business in Pakistan

According to the principle of Islam, interest is not allowed in any situation. The borrower needs only to pay back the same amount that he borrowed. Qarza I Hasna In Islam provides financial assistance to the deserving ones so that they can build up their businesses. This initiative aims to reduce financial issues and strengthen low-income families. Our government is offering 80,000 ehsaas interest-free loan each month.

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Terms & Conditions

This scheme is not truly interest-free as it has three tiers. Only the first tier is interest-free, under which loans range from Rs.50 thousand to . Under the second tier, you can now get a loan of 5 lakhs to 15 lakhs at 5% milk liquor. In the third tier, you can get a loan of 15 lakhs to 75 lakhs at a markup rate of 7%.

The debt activity ratio is also very reasonable because it is included for the first two tiers and the third tier. And how much will the bank finance? All the information you need to know Before getting a loan, you will be provided with 10% of the required amount to start your business in one or two.

The bank account will provide the remaining amount.In the third level, you will invest 20% of the money. For the existing business, the debt-equity ratio is zero, and you will be able to contribute equity in the form of cash and immovable property.

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Eligibility criteria

Recipients of BISP and zakat of Pakistan Bait ul Mal are given priority for loan schemes. The eligibility criteria are as follows.

  • Age of the applicant must be 18-62 years.
  • Applicant must be the Resident of a selected District scheme.
  • Borrower Must possess a valid nadra card.
  • Poverty score should be 40.
  • Applicant must ensure that they are not availing of any other loan scheme.
  • Must have a proper business plan.
  • 50% of loans are reserved for women
  • Preference is given to skilled individuals, disabled and young people