Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
Maryam Nawaz Announces Punjab iPad Scheme for Students: Launching 25 January 2025

When the Chief Minister Of Punjab Launch iPad Scheme Ms. Maryam Nawaz visited the schools and colleges of Punjab, she considered the situation and thought that iPads should be provided to the students of Punjab. They can complete many of their affairs easily by getting an iPad, so Ms. Maryam Nawaz has started this iPad scheme under the leadership of the Prime Minister.

These iPads will be given by the Chief Minister of Punjab to those students who are studying in degree colleges, universities, etc. and their attendance will be up to 70%. Get it done. You will also be provided with this iPad. At this time, its registration has been started. Register as soon as possible.

Overview of Maryam Nawaz Laptop Scheme

This laptop scheme will be provided to the students of Punjab by Ms. Maryam Nawaz. If someone belongs to a poor family and needs an iPad, this iPad will be provided to him by Ms. Maryam Nawaz. Currently, all the students who are registered are being given iPads. Ms. Maryam Nawaz has decided to provide computerized iPads to poor students.

So that they can learn something online and those who do not understand the lecture, can get the lecture online at home through their laptop. Because iPad is very necessary for poor students, that’s why the iPad scheme has been started which will be provided to poor students.

Eligibility Criteria 

If you want to do your registration then your eligibility criteria should be listed below,

  • You should belong to any area of Punjab
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You are a student with a degree from college or university
  • Your attendance should be up to 70%
  • You belong to a poor family
  • The marks obtained in your class should also be good

Prime Minister Maryam Nawaz’s Instructions

Ms. Maryam Nawaz is currently the who is currently ruling the Punjab, she has launched many programs and also launched many schemes which help the poor students to many extents. giving benefits.

If you are registered in the Up Electric Bike Scheme, register yourself in the Up iPad Scheme as well. You will be registered Ms. Maryam Nawaz The purpose of giving this iPad is to benefit poor students.

New Method Online Registration Form

iPad Scheme Registration Process 

If you want to register yourself in the iPad scheme, then you should visit your nearest Punjab Bank. The process of registration is being told to you that for registration you will have to tell in which class you are studying. You belong to a poor family, what does your father do?

All such information will be submitted to the representative of Punjab Bank. If your eligibility criteria are as per the iPad scheme and you belong to a poor family then you will be eligible for iPads and after eligibility, you will be provided with this iPad.

iPad Scheme New Information 

According to the new information about the iPad scheme, let us tell you that those students who were declared ineligible for the iPad scheme should get their registration done again. If they do their registration and they become eligible, then they will be issued this iPad.

How to Apply

If you study this iPad in your degree college or university then you will be informed there. It is advised that you enter all the information about your poverty in the iPads as soon as possible.


The purpose of creating the iPad scheme is that the Chief Minister of Punjab has started the iPad scheme for the poor students of Punjab under the leadership of his government. Because technology is being given a lot of importance in this era, the government of Punjab has started this scheme to provide these necessary digital tools to poor students. 

In this meeting held by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, these scholarship programs and iPad schemes have been reviewed. At that time the students who have become eligible. These iPads are being provided to them. Apart from this, all other planning is being emphasized and these iPads are being provided to all the registered students.

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