Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER)

The National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) survey has been launched for poor families in Pakistan. This primarily aims to collect data on poor people living in Pakistan and enrol them in the Benazir Income Support Program.

Based on this data, all their information is checked. The information given by BISP assists 10,500 of these beneficiaries without fulfilling their eligibility. All the information about this survey is provided below, which you can read and complete quickly.

National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER)

National Socio-Economic Registry is a survey by BISP. Under this, lakhs of deserving and poor people are part of the BISP program. Benazir’s representatives go door to door to collect information from people through this survey. This information includes their name, address, mobile number, identity card, and other necessary details. After verifying this information, the PMT score is the poverty score. 

You can also read: PMT Score Check Online By CNIC Latest Update

National Socio-Economic Registry Registration Process

If the poverty score is less than 30%, the people whose data is collected are eligible for the Benazir Kafalat program, and financial assistance is provided. This aid consists of 10500 rupees. Apart from this, the amount of children’s education scholarships is also included along with this maintenance payment. Eligible persons are assisted campuses established by BISP.

For More Information : National Socio-Economic Registry

An Overview of the Benazir Kafaalat Programme

Name of ArticleNational Socio-Economic Registry
DepartmentBenazir Income Support Programme
BeneficiaryAll Over The Pakistan
Portal8171 Web Portal (8171 ویب پورٹل پروگرام)
ApplicationOnline, Offline Process
official website

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BISP National Socio-Economic Registry Complete Process

We are telling you how to complete the National Socio-Economic Registry on behalf of BISP. Which is provided below in simple words.

  1. A representative of BISP visits your home and asks you for some information, including your name, address, mobile number, identity card number, number of people, number of children, your source of income, and the price of the house. Tell all these details to the representative properly so that only your correct information can reach the government and ensure your eligibility.
  2. After checking the information, you will be eligible if your PMT score is less than 30%. 
  3. You will then be provided financial assistance under the Kafaalat program every three months. 
  4. You will receive it from the cash centre established by BISP.

What are the eligibility criteria for the BISP kafaalat 10500?

BISP sets specific eligibility criteria for receiving sponsorship payments, which are below.

  • Non-government-employed persons are eligible. 
  • Those persons whose identity card is made in Pakistan and who are permanent citizens of Pakistan are eligible. 
  • Persons earning a monthly income of Rs 35 thousand are also eligible.
  • Persons living in rented houses and huts, etc. 
  • Those with no income source and suffer from poor conditions can get registered. 
  • Those persons who have a poverty score of less than 30% while living in Pakistan are eligible. 
  • I am not receiving any financial assistance from any other government scheme.

You can also read: Good News: 8171 NSER Dynamic Survey Start 

National Socio-Economic Registry Registration Process

Purpose of National Socio-Economic Registry 

The purpose of the National Socio-Economic Registry is to register poor people all over Pakistan for home-based alimony payments so that financial aid can reach everyone from BISP and they can live happily. In this era of inflation, poverty is increasing in Pakistan. That is why BISP has also organized a team to involve people in the program through a survey.

 These teams completed this survey so that people living in remote areas who do not have BISP offices in the village can qualify for the sponsorship program. The survey also includes their children’s information, which helps them get the money for their Taleemi Wazaif.


BISP conducts the National Socio-Economic Registry all over Pakistan, collecting data on poor and deserving people. Based on this information, their PMT score is checked. If thirty per cent is less, the person is included in the sponsorship program run under the Benazir sponsorship program. Then, financial assistance of 10500 rupees is provided to these people every three months. This is explained in simple words in this article.


What information or data is given to the NSER Representative?

In NSER, name, address, mobile number, number of people in the house, number of children, complete address of residence, and information related to land documents are asked.

How to qualify for the Benazir Kafaalat Raqm 10500?

If your poverty line is less than 30%. So you can be eligible for Benazir’s leave amount of Rs.10500.

What is the BISP National Socio-Economic Registry? 

It is a survey in which representative women collect data on transgender women and, based on this data, participate in the Benazir Kafalat program.

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