Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
New BISP Skill Development Program 2024 Update September

Chairperson Rubina Khalid said that a BISP Skill Development Program is going to be started to make poor people corner skilled. In which skills will be taught to the poor people of Pakistan. All information and assistance will be provided to them for this skill. So that by learning this skill, they can meet their own needs in life stand on their own feet, and become the support of people in society. 

You will be informed about the main objectives of this skill development program and how you can be a part of this skill development minute program.

New BISP Skill Development Program 2024

On behalf of the Benazir Income Support Program, Senator Rubina Khalid informed the representatives about this in a meeting during her recent visit. A Halal bandi program will be started to remove the poverty of the people in Pakistan. 

Under the BISP Skill Development Program, even poor people will be taught skills. With this skill, they will get help to support the poor family in society. This skilling program will enable them to stand on their own feet. Under this, the poverty in the society will be reduced and the people supporting the family will be able to help the people not only economically but also at the national level. 

This new step is going to be started by BISP in which representatives of Benazir will be added to teach people skills and with their help financial support will also be provided. Those who will learn the skills will then be included in various industrial areas and government institutions of Pakistan. They will be given job opportunities based on their skills.

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An Overview of the BISP Skill Imparting Programme

Name of ArticleBISP Skill Development Program
DepartmentBenazir Income Support Programme(BISP)
BeneficiaryAll Over The Pakistan
Portal8171 Web Portal (BISP)
ApplicationOnline, Offline Process…In Pending

Senator Rubina Khalid BISP Chairperson

Rubina Khalid, chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Program, is helping people to eradicate poverty in Pakistan and she is trying to benefit people with new initiatives. So that the poor people living in Pakistan can stand on their feet and people who want to support their families. 

They can be made the pillars of their family by teaching them skills. He said in the meeting that in this way poverty will be reduced by teaching technical skills to the poor and more people will be able to be a part of the BISP program.

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Objectives of the Skill Development Programme

  1. Under the Skill Development Program, skills will be taught to the poor. 
  2. With this skill, poor women and individuals will be able to support their families. 
  3. You can strengthen yourself economically and reduce poverty. 
  4. It can help people not only with their families but also at the national level. 
  5. Under this program, more and more people can be made a part of the BI program. Their sponsorship payment of Rs 10,500 can be easily provided. 
  6. This program is a new initiative to check poverty which can be very effective for people. This will help BISP to eradicate poverty. 
  7. In Pakistan, the poorest of the poor can stand on their own feet. 
  8. And with the support of his family, he can play an important role in the development of the country economically.
BISP Skill Development Program

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How to register for the BISP Skill Development Program?

No information has been provided regarding the registration of this program yet, but this program will be launched in Pakistan soon. This program is still working in the background. 

As soon as all the parameters are completed, this program will be launched in Pakistan soon. And then under this program, employment opportunities will be provided to millions of poor and deserving families.

Who is eligible for this program?

  • In BISP Skill Development Program, certain people will be declared eligible, including poor and deserving people who cannot support their family members. 
  • There are no employment opportunities available to those people. 
  • Those people who are facing problems in things like food and drink. 
  • Persons with disabilities and their families will be part of this skill development program.
  •  Those persons whose poverty score is found to be less than 30% will be declared eligible and all eligible women will be made a part of this program.


A new program has been added in the recent meeting by the Benazir Income Support Program. The name of which is the BISP skilling program. Under this program, millions of poor and deserving people will be taught skills. Especially those program persons who are part of the kafaalat program. Their people will be made a part of this program along with new people will also be included. So that poverty can be reduced by giving them skills and the slogan of development can be raised at the level of the country by providing skills to people.

What is a Skill Development Program?

The skill training program is being started by BISP. In this program, millions of poor deserving family members will be taught skills. So that this talent can support his family and more people can be included in the Benazir Kafaalat program.

Who is eligible for the skilling program?

In the BISP Skill Development Program, the eligible persons in the Kafaalat program are specially eligible, as well as the new persons whose PMT score is less than 30%. And if they want to support their family, they are declared eligible.

How to register for this skill program?

No registration procedure has been revealed in this program yet. However, BISP beneficiaries will be especially eligible for this program. As soon as the registration process starts, you will be informed.


We have given you the information in detail in this article which was provided in the resolution meeting regarding the BISP program. To know more such useful and new information visit our website Ehsaas 8171 News where new information will be provided to you immediately on this website.