The NSER Survey Dynamic Registry process has been re-introduced by the BISP for the poor in Pakistan. This survey is completed by BISP representatives going door to door. Ineligible individuals who have not yet received any type of Kafaalat program payment or completed the application process must complete this survey. Is. All the information is given below.
New BISP NSER Survey Dynamic Registry
NSER survey dynamic registry process has been restarted by BISP Kafaalat for poor people in Pakistan. Those people who are living in poverty and are not able to meet their needs easily in this era of inflation, then they must ensure their participation in this survey and get paid. Remember that some information is asked from you in this survey. Which you must tell in a good way.
Based on this information, you are declared eligible for this program. Which includes name, address, mobile number, identity card number and some necessary information. After checking all this information, your PMT score is checked which is called the poverty score. Based on this poverty score you are declared eligible for this program. If your poverty score is found to be less than 30%, then you are eligible. And then every three months, financial assistance of Rs. 10500 is transferred to your account.

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BISP NSER Survey Dynamic Process
We are telling you the procedure of the NSER survey below in complete detail which you must read.
- A BISP representative knocks at your door.
- Women who have to complete their registration for the survey should provide all their information.
- Which includes an unknown valid ID card number, the number of people in the house and some personal information.
- You have to tell all the information well to the representative.
- After that, all your information is checked by the survey representative.
- A few months later a message is sent to you by 8171.
- In which you are told whether you have been declared eligible for the Benazir Kafalat program or not.
- Apart from this, you can also check your eligibility at home through the 8171 portal.
- For this, you enter your ID card on the portal form and check your eligibility.
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Which information is collected from People in Survey?
We tell you all the information that is asked in this survey which is listed below.
- The representative asks you for your ID card number.
- About the house No. of persons No. of children No. of the house How many males the plot is Source of income What is your total income?
- You have not obtained any loan from any bank.
- No passport has been made in your name to go abroad.
- No member of your family works in any government department.
- How many vehicles do you have and how much land do you have?
In this way, the representative asks for all your information on the survey. Try to provide some fake information to the representative so that your application can be completed properly.
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Check Eligibility For Benazir kafaalat 10500
Those individuals who want to check eligibility to pay 10500 Rs. So the government has introduced a very easy method for this.
- You can also check your eligibility using your web portal.
- Apart from this, you can check your eligibility by SMS code 8171.
- During this time, you need an ID card number which must be present with you.
- Because you can check the eligibility and amount only based on your ID card.
- Apart from this, you can also get your money based on this ID card.
- If you don’t have your identity card, lost it or not, get it immediately from Nadra and become a part of the Benazir Kafalat program.
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Recently, an NSER survey has been started for these poor people by the Benazir Income Support Program. Who has not yet applied for sponsorship registration? Those individuals who want to be a part of this program. So provide all information well in this survey. And ensure your eligibility for the sponsorship program. So that they can get financial assistance of 10500 rupees every three months like other people and live a prosperous life. Visit our website 8171 BISP Ehsaas for more new information and updates. Where you are updated with every information related to other schemes and BISP.