Punjab Solar Panel Scheme Registration Online has been introduced by Maryam Nawaz. Poor citizens living in Punjab can now get free solar panels from the government. The complete registration procedure for this solar panel scheme is given below. From which you can easily submit your application for the scheme.
Solar Panel Scheme Registration Online
Online registration of the Punjab Solar Panel Scheme has been introduced by Maryam Nawaz. You can easily apply for this scheme. To apply, you have to go to your nearest Bank of Punjab branch. Get the registration form and apply. What documents are required along with it and what are the eligibility criteria? The detailed information about it is given below which you must read and submit the application.
So that you know whether you are eligible for this scheme or not. The main purpose of introducing this scheme is to provide detailed panels to these households of Punjab. Who use electricity from 100 units to 300 units and are worried about expensive electricity bills. And they want us to install solar panels and use free electricity.

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Check Eligibility Criteria
Some eligibility criteria for this Solar Panel Scheme Registration Online have been made by the government which you can read.
- People of Punjab can submit application for the solar final scheme.
- Consumers who consume up to 100-300 units of electricity are eligible.
- Those residents of Punjab who have ID cards issued by NADRA.
- Those residing in another province can also apply.
Some Important Documents
For the scheme, you must have some necessary documents which are given below.
- You must have a valid NADRA ID card issued by Punjab.
- One passport-size photograph.
- Complete a registered record of the place where you live. Landlords to people living in rented houses. Copy of electricity bill authorized by.
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BOP Solar Panel Scheme Registration Online
Online registration for the Solar Panel Scheme Registration Online has been made very easy with the help of the Bank of Punjab. Visit your nearest Bank of Punjab branch.
- Don’t forget to carry the necessary documents mentioned above before going there.
- After that, get the Solar Panel Scheme registration form from the representative in the bank.
- Read this form carefully.
- Then enter all the information.
- Attach the necessary documents which are asked for.
- Finally read all the information once again so that there are no mistakes etc.
- Then submit this form again to the bank representative.
- Your application will be submitted for the Solar Panel Scheme.
- After checking all the information, you will be informed through a message.
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Solar Panel Scheme Registration Online Form
There is an online registration form for the solar scheme. Go to the official portal of the Bank of Punjab to get this registration form. Find the form related to the scheme there and select it. Fill out this form online. Enter all the information in it well. Then attach the necessary documents that have been asked for and upload them. Your application will be completed online. After that, all your information will be checked. Only after that, you will be declared eligible for this scheme.